Friday 10 February 2012

Running at altitude in Kenya

Well I have finally managed to get online and update my blog (well some of it!) :-)

Friday 10th February

Started this morning at Peponi Prep School in Nairobi, where I was a judge for the inter-house Poetry competition with my fellow UK teacher Colette and 2 Kenya poets. We had score sheets and a big table in the hall and everything! We then got presented with the biggest bunch of flowers, before jumping on the mini bus heading up-country. We had a 4 hour journey with a stop half way - very important for me to sun myself - tehe! On arrival, the kiddies put their overnight gear in the dorm and had a quick change before playing the opposition. We had 4 teams, under 13's and under 9's for both girls and boys with top Kenyan coaches - two of whom had taken part in the Olympics and the World Cup. Whilst the children were  working hard, I was being given a run down on how amazing Turi school grounds are for cross country. They even hold several competitions. Before I knew it, I had agreed to go for a run with Edward - a 12 year old boy, who came 2nd in the cross country competition a couple of months previously. Poor boy got off the hockey pitch and was roped straight into running with me. We were nearly 9,000 feet above sea level and I felt like I had needles in my chest after about 2 minutes. Now I know why the top athletes train at high altitude and why Kenya produce such great runners! (Paula Radcliffe was about an hour away from our location at a training camp!) Edward was the politest boy and kept asking me questions. It got to the stage where I had to fire questions back at him, so I could breathe. We ran for a mile and a half before we had to head back as dinner was at 6.30pm. Thankfully, we didn't leave for the run til after 6, so I had the perfect excuse. Thanked Edward and headed for the shower - feeling a little deflated that the last time I had run, I had managed 13 miles and got a pb!

1.6 miles, average pace 10:27

Sunday 12th February

First lie in today - have been up by 6.15 am every morning since my arrival in Kenya, due to the 8am assembly at school. Woke up at 8am and spoke to Keith (the husband of the P.E co-ordinator we were staying with, who also happens to be a P.E coach at another school!) By 9am, we were running in Nairobi through the streets. Found it much easier today - altitude was much lower than up-country. There were still lots of valleys and it was very hot - 28 degrees but I didn't have that feeling that I was going to collapse. Pleased with myself as I'd managed a 3.3 mile run with an average pace of 9:40 before 9.30am on a Sunday in Kenya. Marvelous!

3.3 miles, average pace 9:40

Monday 13th February

Sue (P.E co-ordinator) was working until 5pm this evening, so I thought I would brave a run around the school grounds. Sue had shown me the route in the car on the way to school, so I was feeling confident about where I was going. I had judged a swimming competition for all the local schools at Peponi in the afternoon, so was feeling a little burnt and hot. I also didn't realise that the dirt track and dust around the school was not settled due to the children all being picked up in cars! I was literally running along the dirt track with one eye closed trying not to open my mouth. Not the most pleasant run for the first mile! Was much better when I got onto a main road and the concrete. Felt even stronger today, although it was 30 degrees + which was a challenge. Got a little worried when I couldn't see the school anywhere in site after 3 miles but luckily my sense of direction wasn't as bad as I thought it was and I ended up back on school grounds before I hit 4 miles!

4 miles, average pace 9:31

Tuesday 14th February

Similar run around Peponi School this afternoon. Sue came with me today and showed me a slightly different route, which meant I got to see some of the Suburbs. Running with Sue made me realise how much stronger I have been getting as I had to slow down to run with Sue whereas a few months ago, the pace I was doing would have been too much. There were a few valleys to run up and my cross country training definitely paid off. Thoroughly enjoyed my run!

4 miles, average pace 9:53

Was really gutted on Friday as I was supposed to be going for a run back up-country on my Safari, near Nanuyki. I had arranged with the owner, to go running in the Savannah - having seen lions and a cheetah, elephants, zebra and so on the night before!?! They were going to arrange for a truck to follow us to track us and our safety. Unfortunately, we only had one day on Safari due to work and we were scheduled to see the Chimp Sanctuary which meant there wasn't enough time for my run. Very disappointing as that would have been an awesome experience and an awesome tale to tell the running club back home...

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