Monday, 9 April 2012

Week beginning 9.04.12 - Easter Monday

Monday 9.04.12
It has been raining all day today which isn't very nice for Easter Monday! Me and Leah braved the rain early evening and ran 5 miles. Legs felt unbelievably heavy and I couldn't seem to get my pace up! Its bizarre because my pace was so fast on Friday for the Folkestone 10. I know its a race so the adrenalin and competition conditions gets you moving but I can't believe how different a few days can make you feel. However saying that my pace was much quicker than I thought it was when I looked at my splits, so perhaps I am being tough on myself!

1 - 9:24
2 - 9:05
3 - 9:15
4 - 9:13
5 - 8:35
6 - 8:08

Average pace: 9:05
Total distance: 5.2 miles

Tuesday 11.04.12
Club run this evening. We had a 1.6 mile warm up around Lucy Avenue, followed by some dynamics on the polo ground. It was really nice to be back on the field and running in daylight. We then did a paarlauf run, which involved teaming up in pairs and running around the field towards your partner - the idea being that one recovers, so runs slowly, whilst the other runs quick until you meet, then swap. I ran with Steve which made me run quick!

Pleased with my splits:

I wasn't aware of my timings whilst I ran as I just ran but these times were quite consistent - I think I was a little ambitious on the first lap! Now need to try and keep them a little closer together for more consistency! Warm down was a mile lap of the whole field.

Total mileage: 5.5 miles

Thursday 12.04.12
4 miler with Miss Fuggle - average pace 9 min/miles. Struggled today. It's funny how I am doing much less miles but finding it so much harder - to be fair, we did have a few hills, including remembrance!

Saturday 14.04.12
Following the radio show (check out Academy FM 8.15 am next Saturday), myself, Beck and Leah headed out for a 7 miler - our last 'longish' run! Average pace 8:59. We headed along Joys Road, along the East Cliff, down to the harbour, up remembrance hill and along the Leas to the end. We then headed back towards home, down Park Farm Road and up Black Bull Road, in order to hit 7 miles.

Total mileage this week: 21.8 miles

Sunday 15.04.12
5am start this morning!!! Was not liking the alarm, particularly as I had been to a friend's 30th the night before and got in at midnight. Was all ready when Tim pulled up. Pleasant drive down with Tim driving, Angela, Will and Emma. Tim was showing the nerves when we arrived - not too sure I could have driven in Tim's position. Tim picked up a free water - they were on packets that looked great as you could rip the top off and then throw them and not trip over them. Tim was trying it out, whilst the rest of us were drinking hot chocolate! Tim managed to throw it all over himself, Angela and me. I jumped out the way and scolded myself with hot chocolate. Ooooops!

Unfortunately, we missed Tim despite standing at the 0.2 mile mark! See the pic - so disheartening but certainly got some laughs!

Unfortunately, we missed Tim and Margaret! No idea how, especially Tim with his height. Hmmm... Luckily, we had our own little tour guide in the form of Angela and we headed off en route! Angela spotted a side road and the runners running up the hill. Luckily, we managed to catch Tim who proceeded to throw water at Will and the runner in front of him. On our way back towards the pier, I managed to catch Margaret, so we all gave a woop and a cheer!

At this point, Angela and I were on a mission to catch the elite at the half way point, so we frog marched Will and Emma to the sea front. We were really lucky and got there in the nick of time! They were phenomenal! So quick! At this point, I turned into a marshal and barked some orders at the marshals holding the line that lets people across the course. They hadn't realised a fast runner was approaching and I got worried he would get tangled up in people and before I knew it, I had called out to tell them. Oooops! Did make me giggle - I just spoke without meaning to! After we'd seen the elite, we waited for Angela's friend, Tim, Margaret and my friend Tom, of whom I had no idea what he was wearing but just kept reciting his name out and staring at numbers! Turns out that he was 10 minutes in front of Tim at each point, so he blatantly passed me several times. I did think I caught the back of him at one point - in a white shirt with MS Resource Centre on it but it was too quick!

After we'd seen Tim for a second time, we headed for a hot drink before heading to the finish as the elite were predicted to finish in 2 hours 12 minutes - the APP that let us follow the runners was amazing! The elite were amazing! So, so fast. I have no idea how they do 5 min/miles. I couldn't do that for half a mile, let alone 26.2! After the elite came in, the runners began trickling in. At about 3 hours, the runners started coming in faster and the crowds increased. It became a really good atmosphere and it really helped having runners names on their tops and we could shout out support. I loved the whole atmosphere. Cheered Tim in and went to meet him with a big hug! He had an impressive run - hard on himself as usual but a 30 minute PB, which was amazing!

From here, we headed for a well earned harvester and to thaw out! Ideal weather for the runners but a bit cold when you've been stood watching for 3 and a half hours...

After some food, we watched a little more of the runners coming in from the top of the wall. I fell in love with a paramedic, who clapped every single runner in, despite the fact, he'd probably been there well over 2 hours! I am a soppy twit! No-one else shared my enthusiasm for the paramedic!

Headed back to the bus and homeward bound after a lovely day supporting Will and Margaret and with good company! We did get caught on the bus behind a girl who couldn't get down the stairs without using her hands to lift each leg individually! Bless her! That'll be me on Sunday... tehe!

Not looking too bad for a 5am start!

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