Monday 19th March
Hour of boxercise
Tuesday 20th March
1.3 miles from the club to the Leas, followed by dynamic stretches. I was struggling big time due to my first boxercise lesson yesterday in 6 weeks. My fellow year 6 teacher commented on my rigid walking today at school. I blame the squats! Was dreading the session as the warm up was hard work... We had a long session which included an 8, 4, 2 minute rep with 2 minutes recovery between each, twice! The thought filled me with dread but once I got going I had a really good run this evening. Rather chuffed with my splits - just the second 4, could have been under 8 mins per mile!?!
8 minute rep: 7:36 distance: 1.04
4 minute rep: 7:51 distance: 0.52
2 minute rep: 6:45 distance: 0.30
8 minute rep: 7:52 distance 1.03
4 minute rep: 8:03 distance 0.5
2 minute rep: 6:47 distance 0.3
Total distance today = 7 miles
Thursday 22nd March
A rather enjoyable run this evening with Ian, Steve and Sam. My legs have been aching soooo much since Tuesday - to the point where I was holding off going to the toilet because it hurt my legs to lower myself on to the toilet (sorry too much info!) I blame boxercise as I think it was the squats but the fast run Tuesday probably finished them off. As a result, wasn't really feeling a run today but didn't have much time to make a decision as I didn't finish tutoring until 6.35pm, so had to change and was at the club for 6.45! Phew! Steve mentioned a steady miler rather than a speed session up the Leas, so I decided to join him, Ian and Sam. I was worried that I would be too slow for them but they were gentlemen and kept a good pace. I don't think I held them back too much. We ran through Cheriton, down into the Golden Valley, through Sandgate, up Horn Street (my first time - another hill conquered), then through Cheriton and back to the club. Great company, good challenge and some great splits! Thanks guys! Really enjoyed Horn Street and was impressed that my average pace was under 9:30.
1 - 9:13
2 - 8:46
3 - 8:40
4 - 8:57
5 - 9:22 (Horn Street)
6 - 8:27
7 - 7:02
Average pace: 8:51
Distance: 6.2 miles
Saturday 24th March
A lovely run this morning but one of which I now cannot move! The plan was to meet at Leah's in Hawkinge and head down into Folkestone into Sandgate. We ended up starting at Lindsey and Chloe's and running for 10 miles through the countryside in Hawkinge. There was a few hills in the valleys but it was gorgeous weather and seeing all the little lambs was bliss. Chloe took us through the middle of a field of little lambs - so cute! I had to stop and have a little nosy! We then had to contend with a big hill at the other end of the hill - hmmm... thanks Chloe - tehe! I felt like I was back at Brockhill Country Park on the boxing day run.
Unfortunately, Leah fell over - army style at about 7 miles but she was brilliant and showed such determination, particularly after a tough week. Despite holes in her trousers, blood dripping down both legs and grazes all over her hands, she continued to run well and pushed forwards. Very proud! Would have been so easy to have given up. We said goodbye to Lindsey and Chloe at 10 miles and headed down towards Folkestone. We looped around the East Cliff and onto Warren Road. Stopped at mine for refuelling and then headed off for our last 4 miles. It was tough starting again today - all three of us were achy and sore but being with the girls, kept me going! Ran towards homebase, down Cherry Garden Avenue, along past the Harvey, up Cornwallis Avenue and through Lynwood to Park Farm Road. One loop of Downs and Dolphins Road totalled 18:02 miles. Was really impressed with our time. I hadn't really paid much attention during the run but did feel like we were slower today. However, despite all the hills, we still managed an average pace of 9:29, which I think we should all be very proud of! Well done girlies! It is a little bittersweet as we found out today that we are in different zones which means we cannot run together, which was our plan. It will not be half as enjoyable without the lovely ladies :-( Hoping we can arrange something...
1 - 9:44
2 - 9:25
3 - 9:17
4 - 9:13
5 - 9:11
6 - 10: 36 ('the' lamb hill)
7 - 9:36
8 - 9:15
9 - 9:39
10 - 9:10
11 - 9:10
12 - 9:43
13 - 9:12
14 - 9:26
15 - 9:38
16 - 9:28
17 - 9:37
18 - 9:25
Average pace: 9:29
Mileage: 18.02
Sunday 25th March
First Sunday in a while where I haven't been teaching at school, so had a little lie in - bliss! As a result, woke up feeling rather ill - with a tight chest! Surprisingly no heavy or aching legs though. I think the hot tub last night was a huge help there... Went to see friends in Greatstone this arvo and Joe wanted to go for a run. Joe started running a year ago with me - we ran once a week but since he moved from Ashford, it's been hard finding time to meet. Couldn't let Joe down, so drove down with my running kit in the car - quietly hoping that Joe would have given up on the idea. Unfortunately not! We ran an enjoyable steady 5.6 miles to Dungeness and back. Chest really quite tight but legs felt strong.
1 - 9:06
2 - 9:23
3 - 9:31
4 - 9:46
5 - 9:29
6 - 8:48
Average pace - 9:23
Total mileage - 5.61
Total miles for the week - 36.81 miles
“Putting miles in your training, is like putting money in the bank. You begin to draw interest on it immediately!”
Hal Higdon
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