Monday, 9 January 2012

Week beginning 09.01.12

Boxercise 6-7
A series of circuits which gave me an intense cardiovascular workout for an hour! Really enjoying boxercise.

Tough session today but thoroughly enjoyable with Becky pushing me, especially the last couple of reps.
Warm up the Leas followed by dynamics. Then:
2,4,6,8,6,4,2 minute reps with 2 min rep recoveries
The hardest reps were the 6 minutes as they both worked out to be the length of the Leas uphill and against the win.
7.5 miles in total - a good run!

Aching way too much today for my recovery run, even standing up was an effort at school - I think it's a combination of a good run yesterday and boxercise after 2 bank holidays!
I did buy myself a Garmin 110 though :-) Roll on the marathon training!

Warm up to the Leas again today followed by a short, sharp session, which was 10 x 90 seconds with 30 seconds recovery. Still aching in my hips and found it hard to get my legs moving this evening. Concentrated on my arms. Dave was really encouraging which makes you want to work harder! Legs loosened up on the last 4 or 5 and managed to gain some speed. It was a tough session as 30 seconds was enough time to stop, breath a few times and turn round before going again! Total mileage, just under 5 miles.

After speaking to Dave yesterday who advised me to try and do 30 miles a week, I thought I had better go out for a little run to add to my mileage. Was going to aim for 5 - 6. The first 2 miles were tough and boring and a little scary in the dark but once I got along to the East Cliff and the sea front, I got a second wind. I even ran up remembrance hill and the length of the Leas. Ran back along Cherry Tree Avenue and up towards homebase. Total mileage was 7.2. It was a steady 10 min/ miler but glad I did it!

Rather early start this morning! Becky picked me up at 7.50am and we headed to Hawkinge to meet Leah and her two 'tri' friends, Chloe and Lindsey. Not too sure where we headed - it looks impressive on Garmin Connect on my new Garmin :-) It was in and around the valleys, through Selsted and Acrise. There were a couple of hills in the route which I found tough - my hips are still niggling - I am putting it down to a tough week of training and boxercise Monday. It was a beautiful run. Once I was up, it was great to be in the fresh air with the sun rising and the frost on all the fields. Really was lovely to see! We ran 12.64 miles but my watch stopped for a minute, so it says 12.5 on mine. I am going with Becky's recorded time :-) All in all a lovely run with lovely ladies, which has kickstarted my training! Total mileage this week: 32 miles!

Average pace per mile:
1 - 10:07
2 - 9:56
3 - 9:17
4 - 9:07
5 - 9:23
6 - 9:46
7 - 9:45
8 - 9:54
9 - 9:53
10 - 9.58
11 - 10:23
12 - 9:23
13 - 9:21
Average: 9:43

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