Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Second Cross Country Session (22.10.11) The question is why?

O.K the question today is why do I do it? I spent the whole session cursing the hills, cursing the spikes, cursing the running, only to find that the minute I finished, I was telling everyone what a great session it was. The only reason I can come up with is that buzz afterwards! I am so much more productive after a good run! I even walked up the zig zag path with a pushchair an hour later. Where does that energy come from?

Today, we had lots of longer hill reps which were so much tougher than the first week but I think they will benefit me in my first race as it is more similar to an actual race. Total mileage today was just under 7 miles - not bad for a morning's work - headed off for a brekkie with friends after - not so sure that should be part of the training plan :-)

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